Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Egad! Racist Holder to help train employees regarding racial bias??

Oh, please! Eric Holder tapped to help Starbucks train employees for ‘racial bias’ 

by Frieda PowersStarbucks is lining up their idea of experts who will be crafting a “racial-bias education program” for employees planned for next month.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Someone Looked up Schumer’s Last Name on, Made Shocking Discovery

File this one under the category of “shocking, but not surprising” — Chuck Schumer’s last name means exactly what you think it does.

The Senate minority leader has been in Congress for more than two decades, while traces its roots to the very non-digital year of 1984.

In spite of this, no one bothered looking the former’s name up with the latter until someone from Big League Politics decided to do it.

As it turns out, while the last name may not have been given to him, it couldn’t be more perfect: