Saturday, March 10, 2018

Egad!! Creepy Uncle Joe running for President?

There are countless photos and videos of this jerk pawing women and little girls. Why was his disgusting behavior never stopped by the Obama administration?

And yes, many former presidents had affairs while in the Oval Office. Here is but one of a plethora of links on that matter.

However, all of these encounters were allegedly with consenting adult women. Sleazy Uncle Joe not only gropes women but also little girls---without their consent. If elected, should he persist in his detestable pass time, who will stop him?

It is beyond comprehension as to why the Dems would even consider putting such a lech in the running.

Both sources for this article contain a number of photos and videos showing Biden's loathsome actions. Only one is included in this post, that of Jeff Sessions slapping Biden's hand away from his grand daughter. Go grandpa!

GROPIN’ JOE BIDEN Reportedly Getting Ready For 2020 Presidential Run…These Disturbing Videos Should Be Enough To Disqualify Him
Mar 10, 2018
Joe Biden, a former U.S. senator, former vice president, and oft-times candidate for president, is once again trying to run for the White House, a report says.

Just what we need, another Democrat, sexual predator, President chasing young girls around the White House…

Vice President Joe Biden literally helped to prop up Hillary during her most recent presidential campaign after President Obama reportedly chose to back her over his own VP, as the Democrat candidate for President in 2016.

Politico is now reporting that Biden’s aides and staffers are currently running scenarios for 2020 as he prepares to throw his hat into the Democrat Party primary process, according to the Hill.

Barack Obama’s former vice president is “thinking through a million unconventional options because there is an acknowledgment that this could be an unconventional campaign,” an inside source said.

The insider claims Biden has been upset with President Donald Trump’s administration. –Breitbart
But does America really want or need another Democrat running for President with enough baggage to fill the cargo hold of a commercial airplane?

Shortly after the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in Hollywood, Americans began asking why Joe Biden has never been called out for his obvious attempts at public displays of completely inappropriate affection with young girls and on occasion with older women.

After several videos emerged of Joe Biden behaving in what appears to be a very inappropriate manner, many Americans questioned how he’s been able to get away with his disturbing behavior for so long.

The incident in the video below shows Biden during the swearing-in ceremony of a US Senator Christopher Coons of Delaware.

One of the best videos in the collection of Creepy Joe moments caught on tape was when the camera caught the former Senator Jeff Sessions actually SLAPPING Joe’s hands when he attempts to grab ahold of Sessions granddaughter. Watch: 

In another incident from that day, that can be seen in the video below, Biden is meeting Colorado Senator Cory Gardner and his wife and 11-year-old daughter. The daughter puts herself on the other side of Biden from her father. Biden reaches out to shake her hand and tries to pull her toward him such that the resisting girl stumbles in her heels. Biden then asks her to hold the Bible for the swearing-in of her father to get her next to him so he could fondle her. Biden drags her over by the arm and positions her close to him with both hands on her. Biden hugs her with his right arm after the ceremonial swearing-in, pulling her hip to his crotch. Biden then holds the girl near him for the family photo session and keeps his left arm around her waist during the photos. Biden finishes by leaning over and whispering in her ear.

Watch Creepy Joe in action in a compilation of Joe Biden’s sexual assaults in plain view of the camera and family members:
Via: Gateway Pundit for many more pictures and videos

Source for this post:100 Percent Fed Up also has videos and photos